Implementing Family Hotline in your facility is as easy as 1-2-3!

Sign In to Your Facility Admin Portal
Our primary contact at your facility will receive an email with a link to sign in to the Admin Portal.
Once you're logged in, you should be able to add other Facility Admins by clicking the "Add Facility Admin" button.

Add a Resident
Click the "Add Resident" button
Add the phone number of the resident's family contact
The family member will receive an invite with a Facility Code and a link to download the app.​
After downloading the app, the family member will create their family group & enter the Facility Code.​
Their family group will now display in your Admin Portal

Install the App on the Resident's Android Tablet
On the resident's tablet, connect to WiFi and then visit
Follow the instructions on the web page to download and install the app
Enter the resident's Family Group Code (you can find this in the Admin Portal)
That's it!